Thursday, May 5, 2011

Between Barack and a Hard Place

                With Barack Obama having won the Presidency, America has seen a turning point within the political system, in that the first ever black president has finally been elected.  But what exactly does this mean in the larger picture?  Is discrimination a thing of the past?  Does racism no longer exist?  Tim Wise attempts to answer these such questions in his book "Between Barack and a Hard Place".  Wise mainly argues that with this election, America has not successfully seen an end to racism in this country.  A majority of the white people who elected President Obama only did so because he is not seen as the stereotypical black man that is seen throughout our society today.  Stereotypes plague the African American community these days, and I am still surprised at the large amount of whites that actually did choose to vote for Obama.  Basically, Wise points out the fact that the only way Obama was able to secure his spot in the presidency was to give in to white standards, seeing as to he would already be guaranteed the vote of the majority of the African American Community.  Racism is still potent within our society today, and can be seen around us within daily situations.  I feel as if these social perceptions will never fully be erased off the minds of every citizen in America, yet at the same time we have come very far to reach this point.  I mean honestly, the difference between society in 1965 and 2005, don't even seem as if they are on the same planet as one another.  With no cure in sight, racism will surge on in the alley ways of modern America, while Obama sits happily in the Oval Office, perhaps having achieved the right to the last laugh.

Hilarious shirt, just released by heavy metal band

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