Thursday, May 5, 2011

Teaching After Title IX

                Title IX was officially enacted in 1972 as a part of the Education Amendments of that same year.  The official definition of this act is that it "forbids sex discrimination in all university student services and academic programs including, but not limited to, admissions, financial aid, academic advising, housing, athletics, recreational services, college residential life programs, health services, counseling and psychological services, Registrar's office, classroom assignments, grading and discipline."  This was a giant step in a great direction, at least in my opinion, but how affective has this actually been.  As a starter, if one were to compare the actual number of people who watch the NBA as opposed to the WNBA, the number is almost unbelievable.  With men's sports still way more respected than women's in our society today, how affective was title IX in all actuality.  When it comes down to it, whether it's a professional league, a collegiate league, or even a league within a high school such as varsity and junior varsity, male sports seem to dominate over women's in every area.  This is simply the way it's been for decades and hasn't ceased to change, even with such things as title IX being enacted.  It was during a group activity in class that a fellow female classmate revealed a true story that directly exposes the horror that is the dominance of male sports in a society.  The classmate told me of an instance in which a girls' sports team had won a championship, while the male team equivalent had lost much earlier in the season.  Even with this being the case, my classmate told me that no announcement had ever been made to congratulate the girls team on their victory, while daily updates were sure to be told on any and all male sports, even if the outcome had been a loss.  I will never actually directly be able to see the way in which girls are affected by this, but through such stories as this one, it is clear to see the truth about our society today.

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